Monday, March 11, 2013


I've got a lot going on right now.

I am just one of those people I guess. Every time I say, "Well, as soon as this is over, I'll have more time" or "when ---- is done I can concentrate on ----"

I just don't stop. That's who I am.

I've always joked about being a career student. That would honestly make me way more fulfilled and entertained than any actual career ever could. I have to stay challenged. I love to just continue to learn.

I think I've found the best of both worlds recently.

There's such a wide array of things to do when dealing with children, birth, infancy, toddlers, etc. Just so much to overwhelm myself with. I think that's part of why I am pulled in so many directions sometimes. I'm just so curious, so enthralled by it all, I just have to keep learning. I just have to KNOW.

So, here I am. I'm 30 years old (plus a year or two) ;-) and I'm not 100% decided on my future but I think I have some goals. I'm relying heavily on the store I'm working at to stay in business. They are my bread and butter into my "career path". They are going to be my marketability, my main resource, and I'm hoping I can do the same for the store. As I grow into what I want to be, I hope it can only bring more into the store. More of my vision for the store, more of my vision for the community, more in general for us to be able to offer each other.

So here it it. I'm a Jill of All Trades type of person. Always have been and I am going to start embracing it. I'm not going to keep saying, "One day I'll....." I'm going to embrace that I like to have my self a little here and a little there.

I'm currently the Educator Coordinator. I book the classes but I also lead a lot of classes. I do all the Cloth Diapering 101 classes, Cloth 102 or our Troubleshooting Class, Go with the Flow about reusable menstrual products, Wool 101, Babywearing 101, Babywearing 102, Gentle Potty Learning Tips and more.

I am taking a Birth Doula Workshop in a few months. I'm really excited about that. It seems like the next logical step to take. From there I am also taking a Post Partum Doula Workshop, really, because why not?
The workshops only come around once in awhile so my thought is just do it. I think it would be really wonderful to be able to offer the same clients: pregnancy, birth and PP doula care. All in one. (I'd later like to expand into some Breastfeeding type certs for this as well)
Part of this is doing some childbirth education series which I am excited about.

Plus, I can teach classes at the store from a Doula's perspective as well.

Goal Two: Cloth Diaper Instructor related certifications and experience. That one is more broad. As far as I know, there is no real certification programs but I'm still researching. I am however, a member of the Real Diaper Association, and plan to become a Circle Leader which requires several types of Education and higher levels of Training.
Part of this is series on NonViolent Communication which I am pretty excited to explore.

Third: Babywearing Institute Instructor Certification: Really, that only makes sense. I'm already doing the Babywearing Classes. It would be a great idea to be certified.
I can do private classes. I can also offer that perk to my doula clients.

This should be a wonderful plan to market myself for the long haul. Some upfront cost and expense but I think it's going to be a fun journey!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Beth! I'm Heather and I was just wondering if you could answer my question about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)
